MEPCO MIS – Management Information System 2023

MEPCO MIS is an online platform created by PITC for the convenience of their staff. MEPCO employees can log in and quickly access or update consumer billing information. This portal was developed to make things more convenient for employees, enabling them to handle tasks digitally and easily access information.

mepco miss

How to access MEPCO MIS?

Access to the MEPCO MIS portal is restricted to MEPCO employees with registered credentials. To obtain these credentials, employees need to complete a user-creation form, which is not available online. The completed form is then submitted to the respective officer for approval. Once approved, employees receive their credentials for the MEPCO MIS portal. This same process is followed when updating credentials for any employee.

You can access the user creation form here.

What can you do in MEPCO MISS?

MEPCO has made things super convenient with this portal, and here are some of its great features:

Bill Correction

This portal allows you to fix consumer bills online. It’s a win-win for consumers and MEPCO employees. Consumers get to address bill issues quickly, and employees can say goodbye to the hassles of managing paper complaints – it’s all smooth sailing on this online portal.

Defaulters Tracking

MEPCO is serious about cracking down on power theft. Through this portal, they keep tabs on defaulters, updating their lists so they can take intense action against them.

Daily Reports

You can access daily reports through the portal. These reports cover billing stats, assessments, billing status, and more. It’s like having a daily snapshot of what’s happening at MEPCO.

Revenue Report

The portal also provides an online revenue report, showing cash collection, online cash by division, receivables, and billing by tariff.

All these features make this portal a real game-changer for MEPCO staff. It’s like having all the tools they need at their fingertips.

If you want to check your latest MEPCO bill online, just click the button below.